Friday, November 29, 2013

Made Right

Be Open For Examination & Be Available To Examine

"I scratch your back you scratch mine" is an old adage most of us have heard and/or used.

Here's a natural example of how we as "the family of God: humanity" should be. It is something we've all probably seen at some point in our lives on a zoo adventure or on a animal show like National Geographic: "monkey grooming". Have you ever seen the monkeys/chimps sitting and picking through one another's hair and wondered what are they doing? Well chimps spend a lot of time grooming—carefully searching through each other's hair, picking out any dirt or pests. Grooming relaxes chimps and it strengthens their friendships too. Monkey grooming is about so much more than just a good hair day. When Chimpanzees groom each other, they are also nourishing friendships, comforting each other, and patching up disagreements. When I studied this I thought, "wow, what a revelation this would be for the family of God: humanity." If we realized the importance of not only "examining ourselves" but also of "examining, testing, helping" our brothers/sisters so we all can be our best: reflections of a loving good God and true family. Unfortunately, as a culture we shun/reject being examined by others, by leaders, and even by those who are more mature and have great wisdom, not recognizing that letting someone else take a look would be to our greatest advantage. As a leader in my respective arenas I have personally sought to be transparent about my life, open for examination, and willing to receive correction. I also teach and believe in what I call "the great exchange". In that God constantly creates opportunities for us to give and receive (law of reciprocity) from each other; utilizing the gifts we've been given. However, what I've seen historically is that a lot of people, leaders included, don't think they can receive from correction from 'others' in general. Well that is NOT SO... God has given gifts to all men (all mankind), and sometimes He will use unlikely people to share something profound with you taking "foolish things to confound the wise [those who are or who perceive to be smart/wise]." As we work to become a "true family of God" let us open ourselves up to be examined by our fellow brothers/sisters and to be examiners that we might all be perfected, a healthy human race."

2 Corinthians 13:5 (Amplified Bible) v5 Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith [convictions/belief system] and showing the proper fruits of it. Test and prove yourselves. Do you not yourselves realize and know [thoroughly by an ever-increasing experience] that Jesus Christ [deliverer, empowerer] is in you--unless you are [counterfeits] disapproved on trial and rejected?

Romans 15:1-2 v1 WE WHO are strong [in our convictions and of robust faith] ought to bear with the failings and the frailties and the tender scruples of the weak; [we ought to help carry the doubts and qualms of others] and not to please ourselves. v2 Let each one of us make it a practice to please (make happy) his neighbor for his good and for his true welfare, to edify him [to strengthen him and build him up spiritually].

Galatians 6:1-5 (Amplified Bible)
v1 BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin [harmful practices] of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit; righteousness/healthy living] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also. v2 Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it]. v3 For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another's load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself. v4 But let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work. He can then have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable [in itself alone] without [resorting to] boastful comparison with his neighbor. v5 For every person will have to bear (be equal to understanding and calmly receive) his own [little] load [of oppressive faults].

James 5:19-20 (Amplified Bible)
v19 [My] brethren, if anyone among you strays from the Truth and falls into error and another [person] brings him back [to God/ to truth/ rightness], v20 Let the [latter] one be sure that whoever turns a sinner from his evil course will save [that one's] soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins [procure the pardon of the many sins committed by the convert].

Let's just DO IT, letting love abound to all in all...........

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Past the Pain into Peace

      In life we are all subject to disappointment and pain, and unfortunately it is often by someone who is close to us and has "access" to our heart and intimate places of our life that causes it. We can become so devastated by the hurt, pain, or betrayal that we become fenced in by those emotions. Well the longer that we CHOOSE to stay in that place of pain the more damage it does to US. If we get a slim splinter in our hand, step on a nail, or break a leg we do not leave it unattended or "in us." Yet we will somehow try to move forward in life with these huge boulders of offenses and unforgiveness lodged in the compartments of our hearts. These things not only prevent us from being emotionally healthy and letting love and peace flow out but they also prevent love and peace from flowing in. We stop peace from penetrating our being by remaining bitter and broken. There is help and hope for the brokenhearted.
     First, you must assess the damage. Take a good long look at where you are emotionally as it relates to your offense/betrayal. How long have you had that path clogged shutting off all good life giving properties and love from reaching your heart. Naturally a medical doctor or surgeon must assign a diagnosis before they can ever move forward to enact a remedy. Accurately and honestly diagnose your pain/injury.
     Second, you must be willing to allow for some level of pressure/pain before you can get to the resolution. Yes it's going to hurt first before it ever gets better. Whether having to get an IV to inject sedatives, anesthesia, or refreshing fluids that little needle poke that preludes the actual procedure for remedy can cause a minimal amount of pain. Rubbing alcohol which is used sometimes to clean a wound definitely stings but it cleans deeply so the wound can heal right. Some level of pain is normal and should be accepted knowing your full healing/remedy is coming after. 
     Third, you must patiently wait for the doctor/surgeon to do a complete work. There may be a need to open the wound further to get all the debris out, the wound may need stitching to enable tissues, ligaments, and skin to re-mend. Whatever is required at this reparative level let the experts fix you all the way up.  Trust the process.
     Forgiveness which is an emotional path of healing is resemblant to this physical or natural path of healing. It requires that you face the pain/injury, assess the pain/injury, penetrate the pain/injury, and then process the pain/injury to reach the awaited solace of peace. Forgiveness IS the path to peace. Choose to forgive those who have hurt you in your past, accept that they were wrong, inconsiderate, or even down right wicked but do not allow them to maintain power over your peace any longer by being a "boulder" occupying space in your heart and emotions. Kick them out by forgiving them. Exchange your pain for peace, you can do it, YOU deserve it. DO IT TODAY!